109 East 17th Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001blockchain@SecureX.com



Citizens know. Stuck comes to mind. Manipulated and monitored, residents spend more and more time trying to hide, to stay invisible to the pervasive reach of the powers that be. As such, it is difficult to stand in one’s power, to rise above and create the world which was intended. If only there were a level playing field, where truth is truth and elected governance can be, and is, held accountable…

If Democracy is the given, then the world must come to grips on transforming the relationship between Education, Human Development and Evolution.  Left as is, the constant manipulation of these institutions promote segregation, poverty and starvation on a global scale.  If the events of Climate Change, Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter bring to your attention a consistent but ever-changing delineation of sides requiring you to consider which one you should be on, then there is significant success in the “divide and conquer” impositions upon our world. The resulting chaos provides a cover for Nothing to occur.  And doing Nothing perpetuates the unjust crescendo that threatens to enslave the masses for the benefit of a few.

SecureCommunity.com is the Blockchain platform that enables such a transformation, takes a shot at solving global poverty, begins to bank the unbanked and unbankable, and disrupts most traditional thinking about how to address these issues individually.

..the years between 2000 and 2050 represent a critical turning point in the history of humanity and the planet. This belief is based on results from the field of world-systems analysis as well as a growing body of scientific research suggesting that we have entered a new geological epoch known as the Anthropocene.

Dr. Zachary Stein

The above description is brief and intentionally high level.  The lack of significant detail is due to the nature of the development of this Blockchain business case or cause, including patent-pending processes to be used therein, coupled with several future molding events that must be reserved to occur by the guiding Platform Members and Invited Partners specific to this SecureCommunity.com Vertical.

There are 50+ such discrete SecureX Vertical markets.  Only the top prioritized Verticals are listed here, each with its own proprietary URL.  Each is specific to one or more particular processes, communities and/or industries.  A set configuration of the SecureX Utilities (Blockchain, Ai and Deep Learning – the SecureX Library of technologies) is hosted on the SecureX Platform for that given SecureX Vertical, along with the SecureX Vault where the (SECX) fuel token also lives.  The SECX fuel token powers the functionality for each configuration, which employs a mix of features that represent NEW blockchain business models that are highly disruptive, altruistic creations not yet deployed, at the very most, and at the very least, they are significant makeovers for the current business models of a given industry or cause.  SecureX Networks are intentionally designed to be Benevolent Technical Intelligence, preventing the traditional surveillance of the now Malevolent promises of the IOT.  

Our pledge is 100% of the promise of the Blockchain: transparent, yet autonomous,  indisputable and immutable, enabling full disclosure for All Concerned.  Putting what is knowable, validate-able and REAL, back into Truth.

As such, the middleman is mostly no longer a part of the equation.  Profits (beyond operational expenses) from any subscriptions and/or transactions charged by SecureX for this Vertical will go towards Buy Back and Burns of the SECX tokens used in fueling it.  This means that the entities empowered by these SecureX Utilities pay very little, and their customers or users, transparent and available to the public, pay little to none.  Owners of the SECX tokens vote for requirements of prioritization, deployment and distribution.  Such is the unique promise of the Blockchain era.  Included in this disruption are the business-vendor-client relationships for financial accommodation, access and storage security, interaction protocols, fairness quotients, peak and maximized business fine tuning algorithms, and a significant departure from the existing exchange methodologies currently utilized in each of those industries.

Each of the SecureX Verticals comes with its own domain that allows for subscription, access and configuration of the performance attributes to be achieved through an industry’s use of these SecureX Utilities. The SecureX Board of Advisors will vote to select in which order the SecureX Verticals are addressed and subsequently rolled out.

When so prioritized, SecureX will open this specific domain (SecureCommunity.com) to registration by the initial founding SecureX Platform Members and Invited Partners for this applicable industry(s), thereby soliciting and enlisting a board of vested stake holders.  Using the SecureX Library, this elite group will use their SECX tokens in order to vote for how this particular industry might be developed, configured, managed, deployed, disrupted and reconfigured for the betterment of those stake holders and that industry at large.

Blockchains are secure by design and exemplify a distributed computing system with high Byzantine fault toleranceDecentralized consensus has therefore been achieved with a blockchain.[9] This makes blockchains potentially suitable for the recording of events, medical records,[10][11] and other records management activities, such as identity management,[12][13][14] transaction processing, documenting provenancefood traceability[15] or voting.[16]Wikipedia


In general, various approaches to consulting can be thought of as lying somewhere along a continuum, with an ‘expert’ or prescriptive approach at one end, and a facilitative approach at the other. In the expert approach, the consultant takes the role of expert, and provides expert advice or assistance to the client, with, compared to the facilitative approach, less input from, and fewer collaborations with the client(s).


Management consulting refers generally to the provision of business services.

In the UK, the use of external management consultants within government has sometimes been contentious due to perceptions of variable value for money. From 1997 to 2006, for instance, the UK government reportedly spent £20 billion on management consultants, raising questions in the House of Commons as to the returns upon such investment.

The UK has also experimented with providing longer-term use of management consultancy techniques provided internally, particularly to the high-demand consultancy arenas of local government and the National Health Service; the Local Government Association’s Improvement and Development Agency and the public health National Support Teams; both generated positive feedback at cost levels considered a fraction of what external commercial consultancy input would have incurred.

In New Zealand the government has historically had a greater role in providing some infrastructure and services than in some other countries. Contributing reasons included insufficient scale in the private sector, smaller capital markets and historic political support for government service provision. Current infrastructure investment plans are open to a range of public/private partnerships.

New Zealand governments hire in expertise to complement the advice of professional public servants. While management consultants contribute to policy and to strategy development, the Government tends to use management consultants for strategic review and for strategy execution.

In 1988, the newly elected Greiner State Government commissioned a report into the State Rail Authority by Booz Allen Hamilton.

The resulting report recommended up to 8,000 job losses, including the withdrawal of staff from 94 country railway stations, withdrawing services on the Nyngan- Bourke line, Queanbeyan – Cooma line and Glen Innes- Wallangarra line, the discontinuation of several country passenger services (the Canberra XPT, the Silver City Comet to Broken Hill and various diesel locomotive hauled services) and the removal of sleeper trains from services to Brisbane and Melbourne.

The report also recommended the removal of all country passenger services and small freight operations, but the government did not consider this to be politically feasible. The SRA was divided into business units – CityRail, responsible for urban railways; CountryLink, responsible for country passenger services; FreightRail, responsible for freight services; and Rail Estate, responsible for rail property.